Friday, July 7, 2023

Surprising Healthy Snacks

Would you be shocked to learn that snacking can help you maintain a health diet?

I'ts true. The reason is that the right kind of snacks can keep ou from getting too hungry between measl. If the snacks you choose are nutritious, so much the better.

Here are five delicious and nutritious snack ideas to get you started.

1. Baked tortilla chips and salsa are an excellent source of vitamin C and is good source of fiber and vitamin A.

2. Cheese and crackers are an excellent source of calicium and a good source of fiber, vitamin A, B-2, B-12 and zinc.

3. Vegatable chile and crackers are an excellent source of fiber and vitamins A, and C as well as a good source of iron.

4. Shredded wheat ceral with fat-free milk is a good source of fiber, vitamins B, B-2, B-3 and D.

5. Bell Peppers and dip are a an excellent source of vitamins A and C.

Look for more healthy snacks online to help your loss weight and keep it off.

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